Friday, January 9, 2009

Wonky the Cat and Friends are underway ...

Do not adjust your computer screen or visit specsavers in a bid to see this block any better. I know the post title says Wonky the cat and this is quite obviously a mouse. You will see Wonky any day now, shown in his very own wonky log-cabin block.
For those of you who have not experienced wonkiness I would highly recommend it. I feel liberated from quilting exactness and precision and have been introduced to a whole new world of crookedness and like I said ... wonkiness. In some ways I think mousie isn't wonky enough and his friends may just have to be slightly wonkier!!
I have been inspired by this wonderful blog here. I was going to have a break from my usual applique style but I just couldn't resist the need to add some little fellows. Keep your eyes open for Wonky the Cat, a birdie or two, more mousie's and maybe a birdie or two .... plus obviously more wonkiness .... I promise to take better photo's next time!!


  1. Oh, this is cute! I love the mousie.

  2. Very creative!! I really like it!!

  3. Interesting! did you also join Jacquie's project improv? I did.

  4. There's just something about wonky squares that pulls at the heart...


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