Friday, January 9, 2009

More Stash & Pattern Choice

Here is some new stash to add to my challenge fabrics.

How cool is this piece. 8 different pattern strips on the one piece of fabric. Very economical.

Colour didn't show up to well against the brown cupboard door.
I have chosen to do the bento box pattern of course not in this colour just the pattern idea for you to get an idea. This quilt will be my second challenge and so I'm not sure if I will use red again as that is featuring in my first challenge. Maybe blue/teal?
Looking forward to starting my projects.
~ Have a gre8at day cre8ting, Bye for now from Liz ~


  1. I love the swirling fabric! So fun!

  2. I have one swirling fabric, too -just bought yesterday, but I had already cut it - and really excited to found it. actually it's for bedsheet.


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