Monday, January 26, 2009

Rearranging Blocks

Hi friends..
thanks for the long weekend I had just recently, so I can finally 'moved' to this step: cross cutting each strip set blocks into 3 and rearranging them to assure good dispersion of color. On usual working day it almost impossible for me to do my quilt job although I would LOVE to do it :)


  1. Love your colors and the new arrangement.

  2. Wow! I really like this! What a great pattern!

  3. I normally find black and white quilts hard on my eyes but it has not stopped me buying a good number of black and white materials that are in my stash. Putting the pinks with it are great. It makes me want to go out and pull them out of my stash and see what I can create Jeannette

  4. Looks great. I'm also doing pink in mine asnd hope to have the top finished this week.

  5. Love the way the rearranging has worked out

  6. WOW, it's so pretty. Love it!!!

  7. Oh I love that you used pink-really softens up the black and white (BTW, that is a beautiful b&w print).


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