Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bento Box Top Completed

The bento box top is finished now I need to sandwich it and quilt it.
I ditched the checkerboard strip of black and whites in the border as it just didn't look any good. So the border is just plain blue. I don't think this pattern needs anymore it is enough on its own.
I hope to make a couple of pillowslips to go with as well and I am in the progress of making a black and white and purple bag to slip the quilt inside when not in use. Will post some more photos soon on the progress of those items.
Have a gre8t day cre8ting wherever you are.
~ Bye for now, from Liz ~


  1. Wow that was quick!! I just love the center, it is so awesome!

  2. I love the bento with the b&w. Great!!

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  4. I really like your bento box!!! I'm going to try one someday. Soon hopefully! I really enjoy getting your comments thank you so very much!! Great job!


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