Sunday, December 14, 2008

Started my Black & White

Decided I had better get started on this challange. So passing a quilt shop I just had to stop and get some supplies.

Liked the pink one I saw a while back, so got some of that too.

Only to get home and discover I did have several B & W'sAnd some more.
So just had do do some blocks. No plan, just whatever comes. Darn - now I have to go to a Christmas Party and I just feel like staying home sewing.


  1. I just love pink and black!! You've got some great prints there...

  2. Oh I was thinking pink too! i LOVE IT!!

  3. I've always wanted to learn how to quilt. Woth all my other hobbies, where could I fit it in? he he he...I'm sure I could manage!

  4. Oh they look great, I am using hot pink, but I love the soft pink too, way to go and of course, no worries, we can never have to much fabric, can we??!!!!

  5. Ooh, pink is my favorite color so this one really inspires me.

  6. I love what you have done! I love the B & W Piano keys fabric! That is terrific. I love your blocks and can't wait to see more.

  7. Great combination. And love what you started making! I'm still working on mine, but think I already know what pattern I'll be using. I have seen it on a postcard.

  8. Your pink, black and white is just charming. I love it! It reminds me of my purple, white and black quilt -- just finished last week -- for my son's school auction. It raised a nice bit of $$. Now if I can just find a bright enough photo. LOL!



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