Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hoping I don't disappoint

Thank you so very much for letting me join in this challenge.
I just hope I don't disappoint anyone taking part, or let the side down with my efforts.
I've been surfing and searching for ideas as to what I could do, I must say with the misguided idea that I had 'a reasonable amount' of black and white combination fabrics - well other than standard plain fabrics. Well I was wrong this is all I have:-

So it looks like I'll be the standard black, white, red combination. I have been considering if I should buy more fabric, there is a lovely stash builder pack at Quilterscloth, but at present I think I've decided on what format the challenge will take and don't anticipate that additional fabrics will be necessary. Here's hoping I'm right. Lets see what unfolds over the holidays.


  1. I think the fabrics you have there are lovely!

  2. I think your fabrics are great! It may be even more of a challenge to use fewer. I can't wait to see what you make.

  3. Your fabric is great - I will look forward to see more

  4. You have really great fabric... I can hardly wait to see what you do with them ...

  5. You know jane sells b&w fabric through her store!??
    I can't wait to see what you do

  6. Welcome and I love the fabrics you have to start with. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish!


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