Saturday, December 27, 2008


I have been inspired by what the participants have been showing in this challenge. All I had to show for weeks was my effort of gathering fabrics (but that seemed too dull for posting). I didn't really have a quilt plan, or an idea what my one additional color would be. Now I think I know that I will use shades of deep red to burgundy. I hope to use this quilt (a lap size) on my bed in the winter (when I freeze and my hubby sweats!). It's about 50"x68" in theory.

Here's a peek at some of the 4.5" blocks I had cut last week. I actually have several more fabrics too, they just did not make it into the picture.
The arduous task of making 96 HST's... These are done half dark and half light, for the points of the six large blocks (sixteen each).

I played with my new EQ6 program a bit since receiving it on Christmas. I gave up on completing the outer border, but you get the general idea. The quilt is kind of simple, but I hope to let the patterns of the fabrics be the focal. Additionally, where there are tan squares below, will be black and white photographs of my kids, printed on fabric.
Here's a sneek glimpse at a few of the pictures I have chosen for this...They will be about 4" square when printed. Pretty cute. The girl IS a camera magnet.
I am taking pictures over the last 7 years, from when my oldest was a baby. The quilt will probably mortify the kids in a few years!


  1. That is going to be a lovely quilt Margaret! The photos will add that special touch!

  2. Wonderful! I am so in love with that sheet music fabric. The pictures are great.

  3. I love the design layout you chose. Great idea to add the pics of your kids. Can't wait to see your idea come to life!

  4. Wow..really a great idea to put your kids photos on quilt. That must be teriffic, can't wait to see your progress..

  5. I love the idea of the photos in the quilt, as teenagers they will probably be embarrassed but as they get older they will love it.

  6. I absolutely love your idea!! What a terrific way to play with photography and quilting. The end result will be beautiful. I love what you have completed so far.

  7. Oh I love Black and White quilts. I made my first Bonnie Hunter mystery with Red, Black, and White. Now I have a B/W/Lime Green and a B/W/Yellow to quilt. Wish I had known about this group earlier.

    Quilty Hugs!

  8. I see you're an EQ fan. You've got a great design there and filling it with precious pictures is an excellent idea.

  9. This is wonderful...can't wait to see it finished!!!

  10. Great idea using photos of your kids!Nice fabric collection and quilt design!


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