Sunday, December 28, 2008

Black and White and What Color????

I have accepted the Black & White Challenge and am excited about getting going. I just have one problem -- what will be my third color???? I was thinking bright yellow or maybe a lime green, but now I'm leaning towards a HOT PINK!
Here is a picture of my black and white drawer:
Of course, I just knew this would not be enough of an assortment of blacks/whites, so off to The Fat Quarter Shop I went. The following is my purchase:

Oh dear, now I have to select a pattern............Stay tuned to see what I choose.



  1. Welcome aboard! You have a great start on your stash! I happen to love all your picks for colors. I can't wait to see what you decide on.

  2. Well, I'm with you. I could not decide a color. I have cut out 2 tops this weekend, one is with Lime and the other is Hot Pink. I am also wanting to do a yellow one with sunflowers.

    Great Minds Think Alike!

  3. Oh Kathy good choice pink look at mine it is bright and happy and hot like us.....

  4. I love all your black and whites, can't wait to see what color you will use, i am using hot pink!

  5. Nice stash! I like all the colors.

  6. Oh I wish I could see them all done but I can't wait to see what you pick! Maybe pick the pattern, then pick your color?

  7. well...your off to a good start...good stash!!

  8. Kathy, your colors are great. But I agree with need more....LOL

  9. Yes, what shall the color be, does lead one down the procrastination path. Good luck!


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