Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My 'SIMPLE' B/W Finish

I struggled all year about how I wanted to do my quilt. As I thought about it I decided I wanted it 'simple' and to have the BLACK as my dominate color without it being ALL black. Well, I guess it turned out simple enough and I made it about lap size. This most definitely WAS a challenge for me.....but, I guess I can say I am happy with it. I have more photos posted on my blog.....Brown Dirt Cottage. Thank You Jackie....this was fun!!!!
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  1. This is so interesting! Love the aqua...

  2. It looks fantastic and you are welcome. Great color combo!

  3. WOW but this is a fantastic top - you should be very proud of your work.
    Merry Christmas all

  4. I really like this-simple yet sharp.

  5. Great job. I agree, the B/W Challenge was fun!

  6. I love this quilt, really really do . Thanks for joining me on my blog. Welcome aboard-cottonreel

  7. I love this and the touch of aqua is an inspiration.

  8. fantastic and you are welcome. Great color combo!

    Work from home India


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