Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Introducing Feverish, my black and white and rainbow lap quilt (I know, it doesn't technically meet the "one color" part of the challenge, but the blacks and whites are such a key element, I couldn't resist sharing).

More photos of the quilt on my blog tomorrow. 

"Every dance is a kind of fever chart, a graph of the heart.”

Martha Graham

(American Dancer, Teacher and Choreographer of modern dance, 1894-1991)


  1. I love it! (My compusions made it really hard to stick with 1 color...)

  2. I have made many quilts with bright colorS and black/whites........they are fun to work with. I found it hard to stick to one color!!!!

  3. I've been working with black more and enjoying it more. I don't know much about this challenge, but I do have a black and white plumeria wall hanging (with some dark green and yellowish centers). If you are interested is seeing it, it's on my website and my etsy shop. I like it. These quilts you are showing are very inspirational, makes me want to experiment more that way.

  4. very festive color!! Love it.


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