Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Introducing Feverish, my black and white and rainbow lap quilt (I know, it doesn't technically meet the "one color" part of the challenge, but the blacks and whites are such a key element, I couldn't resist sharing).

More photos of the quilt on my blog tomorrow. 

"Every dance is a kind of fever chart, a graph of the heart.”

Martha Graham

(American Dancer, Teacher and Choreographer of modern dance, 1894-1991)

Monday, June 22, 2009

My first (finished) black and white project

I have been in the challenge group for months now, but am just now jumping in with something to show off!

I finished this last week. It's a gift for a friend of mine for her wedding. The top went together really easily but the quilting was more of a challenge. I'm glad I stuck with it though.



Monday, June 15, 2009

Inspiration from a local show

Red sure does seem to be the common thread in black & white with 1 color quilts, huh?

Just checking in ......

This was started as a Bento Box and now it is being called a Lani box.....LOL ...dont ask but I have gone out of the box.....Have a great week...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Finally Made Something Black and White

I've been in this black and white challenge ever since it started and I finally made something black and white! Woo Hoo!

My rocking chair on my front porch was looking a little lonely and needed something bright and cheerful to greet my guests and anyone driving by.

Rocking chair before.

Rocking chair after.

I think my little monogrammed pillow was the perfect thing! I used a green and white polka dot for the pillow cover and a black and white mini-polka dot for the monogram. I machine appliqued it in black thread using the satin stich.

I hope to have a tutorial on my blog , soon, on how to make your own. I'll let you know when I do.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pattern Info

The pattern name is Kitty Klatch, published in 1999 by designer Janet Jones Worley.

I found the pattern at Stitcher's Garden in Franklin, TN in 2004.  

Her wall hanging layout calls for 9 kitties (I enlarged it to 12) and there is also a design for a large lap/small bed quilt.  

This link takes you to the designer's website (pattern is still available).

Hope this helps!


Meet Dave & Friends ~

This 40" w x 39" high wall hanging inspired by a 1999 pattern of Janet Jones Worley is almost ready to go to the longarm quilter ~ once finished, it will hang near my desk at work.

Why Dave & Friends? I took another quilt to the office a week or so ago and asked my co-workers to help name it. During that process, one of our attorneys kept saying 'name it Dave' ~ didn't fit for that quilt but it works for this one (plus there are now 12 partners in our firm, two of whom are Davids ~ not something I 'planned' but it happened anyway).

There's another black and white and red pending, but I need to finish up a few other tops first.


Monday, June 1, 2009

I sewed!

It is only June & I have started to sew on my Black & White Challenge quilt!
You can read more about it on my blog here.