Saturday, March 7, 2009

Scrap Giveaway

I know what I am going to do for my Black/White/Blue project. I participated in a charity block project recently, Project Improv, and finished my blocks today - it inspired me to use my B/W/Blue fabrics to make these 'wonky' log cabin blocks. Here (above) is the first block I made.

ALSO, I'm hosting a Scrap Saturday giveaway at my blog - please drop by and leave a comment about your favorite art/quilt techniques and share your dream/goal. The winner will get lovely scraps, a book, an ATC, and a wall hanging.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the block! Don't forget to post all your black and white work on the Flickr group on the sidebar. Going to check out your giveaway!

  3. Thanks, Calico Cat. I found that fabric somewhere in East Texas in a quilt shop. I love it but most of the fish are so big so you really have to have a project with a big piece, not just little scraps or else you don't see the fish. So this is a perfect use for it.

    Jackie - I figured out how to add to Flickr so this block is on there. So many accounts and passwords can start to get confusing. Thanks for always being so attentive to each post, I'm impressed that you can find the time!

  4. I have several novelty prints that a "too big to be useful" I am about to think about doing an "I SPY" with big pieces.

    (Ahem, after the 3 I already have planned...)

  5. I love the blue with the black and white...looking forward to seeing more.

  6. I am hoping to start a black and white something soon. I am so glad you stopped by to my blog. I do love Texas, hoping the Professor returns there when the doctoral degree is complete. That would be perfect. We loved living in Texas!I love the black and white, I hadn't thought about adding blue.

  7. My first visit here...great stuff..I was just thinking of my granny old quilts..where art they?

  8. I love pink and green.Love your blog too.Thank you.
    I'm Cecilia.

  9. What a fun giveaway! My favorite quilt technique is needleturn applique but I need to make a quilt like the pink/white/black circle quilt you show on your site. That is awesome! I love the way the circles go outside the border. I think I need something like that at my house.


Thanks for stopping by our blog and checking out our projects.