Monday, March 2, 2009

#2 down

I finished my 2nd black and white challenge piece. It's just shy of 15" square and is paper pieced (block: attraction block). I machined quilted a few random lines using variegated pink thread. I really like the way it came out and hope my swap partner likes it as well (shh, hope she does not check this blog). I did not want the binding to take away from the block so this was put together like a quilt sandwich and quilted afterwards.


  1. Your second, go Sara! I love it! Don't forget to put it up on the Flickr group on the sidebar.

  2. Thanks for the nice comments.
    Jackie: I put a picture on the flickr page. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Very pretty-great b&w fabrics!

  4. Great job. I love this design.

  5. I too love b&w. I used "Winding Ways" as shown by Jackie as my pattern choice for variations in values (shown on my blog)

  6. I love that!! Is the pattern/block available on line?

  7. Yes, the block is online. I got it from and it's the attraction block (paper pieced).

  8. very nice. i believe you've inspired me to do something like this. thanks!! i like the pattern

  9. Love the block, very inspirtational, can;t find the pattern on quilterscache though.


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