Sunday, February 8, 2009

Block for the B/W/Turquoise

Thanks for all the nice comments on my Black, White and Turquoise!

In a comment on my own blog, Anne asked me what the block is called. I would call it a double four patch. Here is a closeup of one block so you can see the placement of the patches.

Now I think I need ideas for some easy quilting. I'm inclined to just make a diagonal grid in order to finish it fast and to avoid extra strain on my brain. Any better ideas?



  1. i think that diagonal lined quilting would enhance the pattern.
    but i also think that a nice meandering would look perfect too.

  2. Thanks, Rachel. I considered meandering, too, but straight lines are always easier, LOL. I am going to wait until tomorrow before making a decision and starting the quilting.

  3. I agree with Rachel's comments, but the colours are so pretty.

  4. oooh thank you for the close up picture, will have a try at this one. Happy Stitching


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