Thursday, February 5, 2009

Black/White/Red ... again?

Okay ... I know . . . it's that old black and white with red again . . . I cannot help it, IT IS my FAVORITE! So these are just some hearts that I paper-pieced for a friend. I hope she will enjoy the colors as I do!

Well . . . these strips represent an attempt (at least) to break away from the black and white with red . . . I hope I will enjoy the finish as much as I do my favorite. Stay tuned . . . teeheehee!
UPDATE: PROGRESS ON THAT BLACK/WHITE plus BLUE . . . I have no idea what the end will be, but I like what's happening so far . . .


  1. If your friend doesn't like them, I would...LOL! They are beautiful!

  2. Says Happy Valentine's Day to me!

  3. Very appropriate with Valentine's day just around the corner. Looking good...


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