Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Well, I finished one B/W/R quilt.

I used to be a Beaver ....

It was not the quilt I intended to finish for the challenge, but it is a B/W/one other quilt, that I thought I'd share.

Here's the new owner with the completed quilt -- funny hat and all!


My challenge quilt is a Bento Box that probably won't be finished until the Fall, as I'm 'saving it' for Quilt Camp with my oldest/dearest girl friend. I have to have SOMETHING to do then. Actually, we're each working on a b/w Bento box that weekend.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from purchasing even more b/w fq and nickels. I probably have enough for 3-4 b/w quilts ;)



  1. I knew there had to be a story behind this one ~ love the notes you added to the photo on Flickr!

    Congrats on the finish.

  2. Great quilt and great photo! I love that you used as much red as you did!

  3. Love the quilt! I agree nothing should stop you from purchasing more fabric!

  4. that border print & center square are too cute!

  5. What a funny feature fabric. I'm sure there's a great story behind it.


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