Friday, January 23, 2009

Miniature completed!

I finally finished my miniature quilt for this challenge yesterday but had to wait until I bought batteries for the camera.

It measures 14.5" x 22" and the backing also counts toward this challenge since it's pieced squares in black and purple. I think I'm going to list it in my etsy shop and if it doesn't sell, when the listing expires I'll keep it around for a doll quilt for my Hannah for when she's older.

What do sheep do during the summer months when it gets too hot to wear their fleece? After they have been shorn, birthed their lambs for the spring and managed to escape the butcher's in time for Easter dinner. What's a ewe to do to relax and maybe even get over a little post-partum depression and recoup from the stress of introducing yet another mouth to feed into the fold?

Why they go on holiday of course! And where, you might ask, do ewes vacation? Well, they might visit Rome taking in the history among ancient streets, sampling the local vino and sending post cards to their loved ones at home. Or maybe they visit Florida and St Augustine and look for the fountain of youth Ponce De Leon missed. A ewe could make a fortune off her wool if she were to live forever in her prime!

These sheep, however, have gone on Safari! Over to Africa they traveled to visit the desert and see the local, leagendary wild life. Rhinos, antelope, lions and jaguars! Their favorite thing to do was frolic at the watering holes with the zebra. Such lovely zebra, such wonderful stripes! Such contrast against the painted orange sunsets!

These sheep made great friends and had a wonderful summer but looked forward to their return home to share their adventures, to sitting around in the fall in front of fires and enjoying life whilst knitting socks for their children. Being sheep on safari can be very tiring.


  1. What a lovely little quilt and what a wonder story. With a story like that, how can you give it away? Hannah would love it! Trust me, I have a Hannah and they have a great sense of fun!

  2. Love the story to go with the quilt.

  3. I love the b&w with red quilt-I love how the b&w fabric just makes the whole quilt move! Wow!


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