Sunday, January 11, 2009

I found my color...I think...

I have been so bad about deciding what color I want to do this quilt in so I've narrowed it down to this green or pink. Or maybe I'll make a big one green and use the scraps for the pink one, which is going to be a baby quilt.

Oh thanks just help me make my decision! You are wonderful! :)
This is the fabric that I bought from Jane!! Isn't it wonderful! Seriously, I don't think I could have done better if I spent all day at the fabric store.

Not that I EVER do that!! :)


  1. I love the green on the right. the other may get a little lost.

  2. I agree the green on the right. Aren't Jane's B & W's great. I also got those, what a great addition to my stash.

  3. The one on the right is gorgeous - go with it.

  4. like i said before...
    LOVE that green!!!


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