Thursday, January 15, 2009

Auditioning fabrics

I am suffering from 'flu at the moment and am lacking inspiration so decided to use my participation in the Friday Block Party to audition some of the blacks and whites I have collected. I haven't done any traditional piecing for years so I know that some of my points don't match but at least it was better than staying in bed feeling sorry for myself.


  1. I think the blocks look great. I especially like the 2nd one.
    Great job!

  2. Great job! I really like the second block, too! Hope you feel better soon. : )

  3. Hope you feel better soon. I really like the second block. The squiggly white/black fabric reminds me of something moving....That wasn't a good exclamation but a feeling. Great job on both blocks.

  4. I love the first one! Striking. nice work.

  5. Great blocks, I hope you soon will get well again..

  6. I like both, but the first one would be my choice.
    I hope you will feel better soon.

  7. Lovely blocks. I like the second one the most as well.


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