Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yay! I'm In!

Hello, everyone, from waaaay "up nort," (Upper Michigan- I'm a "yooper".). I am really new to the blogging thing, so bear with me if I mix something up. I started my blog YESTERDAY just so I could join this challenge, but I can see blogging being something that I really enjoy and it will probably take over my whole life. I only recently discovered the wonderful, supportive community online for/by quilters so I have been frantically trying to read everything on here. I have been getting so much inspiration.

I often make quilts for wedding gifts and my husband is standing up in a wedding in March. The wedding colors are... Black and White! With some red. So that is probably what I will end up doing. I do love lime green, so maybe I will make one to keep also. :-) I am very excited to join this challenge. This is my first project that I will be doing "with" anyone else as I don't belong to a guild, although my mom, sister, cousins and aunts all quilt on some level, so I do have that network of support.

I am currently working on this:

It has the black and white, but there are green AND red in it, so it wouldn't count for the challenge. My taste in fabric has changed since I made all those cherries (5 years ago), so the fabric around the blocks is much less "country" than the fabric IN the blocks, but it will be scrappy and so you won't notice too much.

Thanks for letting me join! I need to start collecting black and white fabric now. Darn. That'll be rough... (there was a lot of sarcasm there.)


  1. Welcome to the group. You will definitely get hooked on the blogging thing.
    Take care.

  2. welcome to blog world! you're like me...i don't belong to a guild either, so it's nice to do things with the people i meet here...nice to meet you! ☺

  3. hi lisa.....welcome!...looks like you are off to a nice start. I think your cherries look wonderful. did you machine applique them?

  4. Yay! Comments! Hi back everyone!
    Yes, I used fusible web and machine appliqued (zig-zag stitch) the cherries. Someday when the kids are not so demanding (does that ever happen?) I would like to start hand appliqueing but at this point, I have to go the fast(er) way.

  5. Welcome! I love your cherries very sweet. But I have to tell you, fabric changes and so does your taste in fabric. It is a learning a growing experience. I can't wait to see what you come up with and glad you could join. I will be following your blog.

  6. I like the cherries too. I'm too impatient to do that. Welcome! Have fun with blogging!

  7. Hi, Lisa!
    Welcome! I have yet to start a blog but am getting close to doing so.
    I'm not quite a yupper - born & raised in Metro Det and have a place in Gaylord.
    Good to see you!

  8. Welcome Lisa! The cherries are cute and will end up a lovely scrap quilt. Our fabric tastes change over the years until we look at it and say 'what was I thinking'? That's when you do an 'uglies' swap or use it in a scrap quilt - or a backing. Sometimes you just find someone who loves what you don't...

  9. I so love cherries! That is going to be a cute quilt. Welcome!


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