Saturday, December 6, 2008

What to call it...

What a fun challenge! I just finished this quilt... you can see basic directions and help name it here: My daughter is hoping her name wins! I've got lots of black and white fabric, so I love seeing all the ideas on this blog....

I used a white sashing - but the colors on my picture didn't turn out very well... It is a bright, cheery quilt!

The back is made with 6 different fabrics in 12 " widths. Quilting is a simple stipple pattern.


  1. wow...i really like this quilt! and i love the back! nice job...=)

  2. I really love this one! The last one I made had lime green in it! You can see it on my post called "A Little Inspiration" in November. I love the lime green!

  3. Very pretty! Lovely use of the fabrics.

  4. This is a contemporary quilt with a classic feel. Well done!

  5. you're amazing... what a cute quilt... i just want to sing when i see it... "put the lime in the coconut"...great job!

  6. I love that green with the black and white!! It is so pretty!! Great job :o)

  7. That is a really cute quilt. Really cute.

  8. What a fascinating black n white with touch of green quilt! I should try that pattern with challenge of using black, white and RED. My sister in law wanting a quilt in that color.... thanks for some ideas!


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