Monday, December 1, 2008

Thank you for the invitation. I am looking forward to this challenge, I would like to start soon, proberly it will not be - before next year ;-) I had a look in my fabric, there a lot of black`s, I think red could be my additional color.
My wallquilt is from 2007, and it is more white then black.
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  1. it's very striking. are the red squares pieced in or appliqued?

  2. oh my gosh! how wonderful and striking!

  3. So beautiful...
    It just like a painting to me.

  4. Brenda
    The red squares are, 2 pieces of silk fused together, and sew on with a "knot" in silk thread.
    Thanks for alt the nice words, it was realy fun to make.

  5. It is so different. I love it. So interesting and fresh.


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