Monday, December 8, 2008

Stash Photo

Well isn't this a bit sad for a stash of Black & White fabrics. These were purchased with a particular quilt idea in mind. I'm thinking I may need to do some unexpected christmas fabric shopping to build this up a bit :) I will be going through the rest of the stash too as there may be some black and whites lurking in other places.
Bye for now, take care
~ Happy Cre8ting, from Liz ~


  1. Not a bad start on the stash. I am sure that you will gather more, but I am more interested in the project that you have in mind. You have peaked my curiosity.

  2. It's a good start and a good excuse to go shopping... we are supposed to be helping the economy by spending (according to the Australian prime minister). How can one argue with a government edict?
    Happy creating!

  3. I just was at my LQS yesterday and they had a black/white/in-your-face-yellow quilt that was wonderful. Couldn't manage to get a good pic with my cell phone though. It was striking!

  4. Beautiful! I'm amazed at all the different patterns. The only ones that I've seen that are the same are stripes and polka dots. I can't wait to see all the projects.

  5. Not sad at all. I have NOTHING!


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