Thursday, December 4, 2008

Little Bag with a Little Lime Green

I thought this was going to be easy - take my Black and White scraps add a little color and make an "Inside Outside Bag" from 21 Terrific Patchwork Bags by Susan Briscoe. First, I forgot that it is always more work to use scraps - especially when they have just been randomly shoved in a bin. (I cut 2-1/2" strips from leftovers if there are large enough pieces but everything else goes in small color-sorted bins.)

I had this much done in a relatively short period of time. Each of the strips are 20" long and 4" wide. I used Osnanburg instead of batting to keep the bulk down and there is muslin on the back.

But then I was stuck. I couldn't figure out where to go next! The directions just weren't making any sense to me. I even took the project to Bee this morning to see if I could get any help. I didn't feel too bad since none of my very knowledgeable Bee-mates could make heads or tails out of the pattern either. I came home and took a nap and finally it came to me. I had to repeat the center square configuration at the other end. This is what you get:

Once you sew the side seams together, turn it inside out and tuck one end into the other, you get a cute bag. I still have to add the draw strings along the top edge. I didn't have any "chainette cord" that the pattern called for or even anything else that I thought would be suitable. You can't really see it well, but I did quilt it with silver metallic thread. I will post one more picture once it is completely finished - then I think I will give it to my Mom as a gift for Christmas.

This has really been a great experience! I've loved being part of this challenge.
Maureen in Texas


  1. Very cool! I'd like to do one too.

  2. Wow, what an interesting bag. Thanks for the detailed photos. Will have to check out the book.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Wow so cute!! I'm glad you figured it out!

  4. I love the bag! I hope to see more Black and White projects from you over the year!! This one was great!

  5. Is there a black and white project for 2009.....I read and rad or is it on going keep me posted I love your quilts jealous Lani

  6. It turned out really nice, your mom will be glad to receive it.

  7. That is great Maureen! Unusual method but a wonderful result. Your Mum is goign to be very pleased.

  8. holy cow! that is so neat but i never would be able to figure it out! good for you! love the lime green...

  9. wow..the bag is fabulous. I like to see the steps in making it, but still don't understand most of it..haha..too difficult for me. Good luck with the finishing..

  10. That is just fantastic!! I love the diagonal effect when it is put together!


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