Monday, December 15, 2008

It's been a while... (A question for you)

Having a baby sure does cut into blogging time. :o)

Any way, I have been thinking about the black & white challenge. Actually, I have been thinking about quilt math... (My brain just can not wrap itself around the seam allowances.)

So, I have a question for you...

I plan to make "O" blocks. The centers will be my color & cut at 3.5 inches square, so the two other pieces in that row would also be 3.5 inch squares, & would be the black & white prints. My question, how long would the outer rows of black & white be? 3.5 x 10.5?   

I am not sure if you can e-mail me directly or not from this blog, but my e-mail address is:
aviva_hadas @ yahoo . com (remove the spaces.)

Thank in advance. (My next step is to pull out & count my black & whites.)


Dianah said...

If I am understanding you right once you sew the center 3 blocks together it should be 3.5 x 9.5 so you top and bottom should be 3.5 x 9.5.

Hope that is what you are asking for.

Anina said...

Yes, 9.5".

Shari said...

Sounds interesting...

Kritta22 said...

My hubby the math genius says 9.5 also. I hope that's what you need. You can also make a sample block...trim the edges and then take it apart and measure.

rachel griffith said...

i'm thinking 9.5
{maybe i should ask the hubby.}

rachel griffith said...

and congrats on the new little bundle of joy!!!

how rude of me not to say anything...i'm slacking today.

Kritta22 said...

Yes I'm with Rachel! Congrats on the baby!!
Don't worry about the math thing....ever since I had Connor my brain cells have seemed to just dry up. My mom always said that when she breastfed us, we ate her brain cells!
It's so true!!

Anonymous said...

Ummm ... 3.5 x 3 - 1.0 (seam allowances) = 9.5 inches

I had to look at the numbers to figure it out!

And I taught high school math. Oh dear ...