Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Up For It....

Yea!......yes, I think I am up for this challenge. When I saw that it was for a year I knew this was for me. It's not that I'm so slow, yeah, that too, but I get caught up
...some......m-o-r-e.....AND on AND on!! Yes, I know, I make my own self crazy!! So, a year is right up my alley. My "noggin" has been a whirl thinking about it. Must say I was encouraged by how much black and white fabric I have in my stash.....looks more black-ish than white-ish though.
I've had this turquoise-ish fabric for a while and I really love it. I have always wished I had bought more yardage than I did, but maybe there is enough if I decide on this combination. I have purposed in my mind to think about quilt ideas for this challenge a few minutes each morning when I first wake up. I've already had fun and I haven't even started wheels are turning! Thanks Jackie!
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  1. I purchased a FQ packet in Tennessee in November. . .between that, the B&W FQ packet from Jane's fabric & the B&W stash that I didn't realize I have there should be quite a supply of blocks for a quilt for me.

    I don't plan on starting it until January though. . .have some swaps that I need to get cleared up before I start working for myself.

  2. Hi Belinda, Great B & W stash!! I love the turquoise with it... That will look terrific! I can't wait to see what your brainstorming turns up.

  3. Great stash and that turquoise really looks great with the b/w.

  4. woo-hoo.. Belinda's here! That turquoise is very creative.. I bet nobody else uses that color and it will look fabulous!

  5. oh turquoise is a great choice!!!


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