Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Joining the Party!

Hi, everyone! I'm so excited about joining this group!

Thank you, Jackie, for inviting me. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and have fun making our black and white challenges.

I have quite a few black and white fabrics, and I'm constantly adding to my stash. The only thing is, I don't have any idea what I'm going to make with them! Now that I am in the group I have an excuse to buy more fabrics! I'll choose a pattern after the first of the new year.

Thanks, again, Jackie for inviting me to the group.



  1. Hi, Amanda!
    Welcome to the group. It took me a few weeks to figure out what my 1st project would be. Now I have to get the fabric.
    Cannot wait to see what you come up with.

  2. Hi Amanda, You are welcome and welcome aboard!! I am looking forward to seeing your creation/s!!

  3. Hi Amanda!
    Looking forward to seeing your work and getting to know you!

  4. I never got my invitation to join this group but I am playing along anyway. I have figured out my plan and spent the last two days cutting my fabric. I had made a B/W quilted jacket last year so I didn't have to add too much to my stash to get this started.


Thanks for stopping by our blog and checking out our projects.