Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Have Started The Challenge....

It's a good to go!
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  1. I like it so far! The turquoise is a great addition to the Black and White!

  2. So pretty!! I want to do turquoise too for something. I love the music fabric. I haven't been able to find a good one.

  3. This block is very interesting. Can't wait to see more. I love your collection of B/W.

  4. That looks great, Belinda! I was thinking of using turquoise, too! I love the color. I have to look around my stash to see if I have enough turquoise to fit my plan for a scrappy quilt. I consider any turquoise leaning towards blue or leaning towards green to be one color for purposes of this challenge.

  5. I can't wait to see what it will be. I love the color!


  6. Oh I just love that color!! Nice choice!!

  7. woo-hoo.. really nice color choice! I'm having fun trying to figure out your pattern too. :-)

  8. awesome! I love those colors. the musical notes fabric is cool. way to go on starting already!

  9. i like your pieces. but have no idea what you are doing.

  10. I like the aqua (or is that turquoise OR teal?)! I was thinking of this color as my 3rd, but decided to go with a deep tropical blue instead -- dreams of 2008 trips to Aruba and Turks and Caicos. Ahh ... I can't wait to see it

  11. I love the musical notes fabric. Do you know the name of it? Where did you find it?


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