Wednesday, December 10, 2008


*waves* Hello from Maine... My name is Regi and I am very excited to be taking part in this challenge. Thank you Jackie for inviting me to join in on the fun.

I am looking forward to the coming year and seeing all the great projects we come up with. Everyone seems so very talented so I have to admit right up front that I am a relative newbie when it comes to quilting and sewing. I can sew a straight line and that is pretty much it. I have pieced one quilt top for my youngest daughter, am working one for my oldest child as well as some potholders and such for holiday gifts.

Currently I have no black and white in my fabric stash, but foresee a fun shopping trip in my near future.

I cant wait to see what people come up with, ... and know I will learn a lot taking part in this challenge.

Thanks again for allowing me to join you,



  1. Regi, hi!
    haha..don't worry..I'm also newbie and also just learning sew and quilt 3 months ago, and only sew straight line :) Welcome...

  2. Sewing a straight line is all that is needed to make a fantastic quilt! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with...

  3. HI Regi, Welcome aboard! A shopping trip, that is the best part. Can't wait to see what you buy!

  4. Well, sewing a straight line? You're halfway there! Welcome *waving from Florida*!


Thanks for stopping by our blog and checking out our projects.