Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Half of My Blocks Complete

With my boys away for a couple days, I have my 2-yr old's naptimes to spend sewing (do I hear "YEA?!"). I have three of my 6 blocks for this lap quilt completed. They will have red sashing between the blocks, and a heavily pieced border consisting of nearly 150 HST's, but the body of the quilt is coming along.
Here's a close-up of a block.
I used photo transfer fabric that you can print on (from Soft Expressions). I am really not very pleased with it's ability to hold the color. I used it in the spring with colored pieces, and ended up doctoring many of the printouts (artwork done by 6 year olds) with fabric markers to get the colors sharper. I have followed the heat-setting directions, but there was definitely a bit of color loss. Oh, well...I will know what is in the pictures, even if nobody else will :-) If any one has good info on transfer sheets, I'd love to hear-


  1. Yeah for sewing time!!!!..I'm really liking this!!

  2. Wow, I love it and I think the pictures look great, even if you would like them brighter, I like the muted look. Very pretty!

  3. wow - no wonder they call you supermom...lol...that is fantastic!

  4. OMG! These blocks are great. I kind of like the pictures the way they turned out. It gives the blocks a vintage look. Great job!

  5. These are really cool! I love the pics of the kids- they look "vintagey". (I have little kids, too, and I totally understand about not having big blocks of time for sewing!) I am impressed with your blocks. Very nice amd pointy triangles!

    I want to do something with transfers, too, but with text/writing instead of photos. I am not liking the t-shirt iron-on stuff so far, so I was going to get the fabric that you used instead. Maybe I will think of something else for mine (like embroidery?) since it looks as if the fabric isn't without issues, either. Thanks for posting the pictures!

  6. Sorry, I've never used photo-transfer products. It sure looks striking and your piecing is very accurate. Will be a wonderful memory quilt...

  7. That is looking absolutely super! Love it!

  8. Wow! Beautiful! I'm still thinking and you're just about done. :-)

  9. I've used a few different brands of photo transfer fabric, I like the EQ products the best.

  10. No thoughts on transfers here. I've been too scared to do it.

    Your quilt is amazing! I love the pictures. It's sooooo personal!

  11. Already looking amazing!! I love the beautiful blocks!!

  12. Hello! I just stumbled onto your blog. What an interesting idea for the black and white fabrics. Are you familiar with Carolyn Mazloomi's Family Series of quilts - all in black and white fabrics.

    Have you seen the Barack Obama b&w fabric?

    Best, Kyra

  13. what a clever pattern to use for photos. i'm having the same issue that the color of the photo is not as vivid as it should be. for now i just do pics for fun projects.

  14. This quilt is absolutely phenomenal! I just love it!


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