Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a bit more progress...

...3 rows are done...3 or maybe 4 rows to go...the blocks are 12" just seemed to work out that way because of the block containing 4 squares within squares using 2 1/2" strips of fabric...see what happens when you don't buy a pattern and just kind of make things up on your own?...=)...and really?...i know we have all year for this challenge, but my mom (who does my quilting - she has a long arm) winters in florida so i'm kinda wanting a few projects done and quilted before she leaves so i'll have binding/handwork to do while she's i have a few more ideas for black and white projects which i can save for later next year...i might even try something with another color besides purple!...=)...:


  1. For doing the pattern "as you go", it really looks great! I love it, and you are going to do something without purple, can't wait to see it!

  2. That is looking very good. I'm fond of purple too. :-)

  3. Wow, you're speedy! It's lovely!

  4. You really got right into the project, didn't you! It look fantastic. The geometric feel of the quilt is really cool. Great job!

  5. I realy love this pattern - and speciel in these colors.

  6. great color combo! is this your own pattern? are ya willing to share with us? huh?huh?huh?
    (mauh) Liz

  7. WOW. What a great colour combo. I love pink. Nice pattern too. Well done.

  8. Nice pattern and nice colors too...
    Love to see it :)

  9. Wow! You are amazing!!
    And what do you mean something besdies that even in your vocabulary?

  10. I love this pattern, have you made yourself???
    The pink makes it very interesting..


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