Wednesday, December 31, 2008

5 of Hearts

I made this little quilt back in the summer and added the hearts because it looked so plain. You may not be able to see it but each heart is woven with 2 colors of red. Remember when our teachers cut out strips of construction paper at Christmas, Valentine's and Easter so that each student could weave a place mat? That's what I'm talking about. Oh dear, I might have just dated myself....LOL
I'll still collecting fabrics for the challenge and have a couple of ideas for my design. I'm really looking forward to getting started in 2009.


  1. wow...that's really neat...if you click on the pic to make it bigger, you can really see the weaving...nice! ☺

  2. Very pretty! Did you do the weaving?

  3. Love the weaving..and the blocks you are working on... I adore them. Been wanting to do a black and white...with red accent quilt. You have inspired me. As soon as I catch up on a few more UFO's.

  4. That black and white 'check' fabric really zings the eyes! Hopefully you have more of it for the challenge project!
    Happy Quilty 2009!

  5. I didn't even know you could weave fabric like that! Awesome!!

  6. This is just adorable. And, I clearly remember weaving placemats in grade school -- using brightly colored construction paper. Ahh, those were the days!

  7. Hi Rhonda, I was just surfing and decided to check out the B/W challenge quilts. I just came across this small but very sweet quilt. And yes I do remember contruction paper weaving. I still do it with my grandkids.

    I've been trying to add you to my list of blogs I like to follow but for some reason or another I just can't seem to get you on there. I get ".....not found". If you could drop me a line at my e-mail address I would appreciate it. Then I can cut and paste your address to my blog.

    "See" you soon I hope.......



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