Sunday, November 23, 2008

What A Great Idea!

I love a good challenge - especially when it involves playing with fabric and thread. Here's my meager black and white stash. Three lonely fat quarters. No big deal. It's only November 23 and I have plenty of time to shop.
After spending the last two days trying to decide what I want to make I have decided to make a series of coffee cup blocks for displaying over the cabinets in our kitchen. If you click here you can see what our kitchen looks like after we painted it earlier this summer. You'll notice the Coffee Time mosaic back splash behind the sink. I made this mosaic about five years ago and it is the centerpiece of our kitchen (although it probably needs a better place to hang).

I think I'll be using a cranberry color for my third color. That should bring a "pop" of color into the kitchen.

Thanks Jackie for hosting this challenge. I'm wondering if you've given any thought to hosting a black and white fabric swap during the year. Wouldn't it be fun to swap some of our fabrics with others?

Sweet P


  1. Hi Paula, You are right, you have plenty of time to shop. I know that Jane is selling some fat quarters to anyone participating in the challenge at a discount. Might be worth it to look. Your kitchen looks fantastic! I have that color on my walls in my hallway and love it. It is funny that you mention a swap, I have thought about it. Maybe a little later on, it might be fun! Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Paula - I can't believe that those are your only black & white prints... If I wasn't still in serious like with mine, I'd send you a care package...

  3. 3 lonely fat quarters is more than i got!!!

    love the idea of the cranberry.

    SUPER cute kitchen.


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