Friday, November 21, 2008

Pulled From Stash

What fun! First I want to thank Jackie for starting this blog, and putting forth this new challege to us. I've been wanting to make one of these quilts for a while now, so this will give me the reason.
Not sure what pattern I'm going with yet.. or the contrasting color. But these are ALL the black and whites I have in this entire house. Well.. I'm sure there are probably other solid whites. But these are the only prints.

I'm wishing I had enough time to get two of them made before Christmas. But that's not happening. They will be for my two grown boys who never get quilts made by Mom.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is doing!


  1. This is definitely a good start. At least you know the fabric and you can keep adding to that, how much fun is that??? LOL.

  2. yes, the fabric selection looks very good. What third color will you use if any?

  3. Oh. This is the first time I've ever written on someone else's blog, so I didn't think about it that i would need to come here and read the comments and answer them :-)
    The third contrasting color. Well.. it won't be pink. I have to think about it and fit the personality of each boy. Red is tempting.. but it would be kinda nice to do something different.

  4. i love the big polka dot print.
    how fun is that???

    can't wait to see your quilt unfold!!!


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