Friday, November 28, 2008

Many Thanks for This Invitation

Hi everyone… I’m really exciting and looking forward to joining this group and many thanks to Jackie for the invitation :)
I’m not a quilter yet, I have been learning to sew (only straight line) for about 4 months now. I did hand sewing because no sew machine at home. Actually, I hate sewing before :)

My interested in quilting started when I visited my friend’s house on our Christmas vacation last year and saw her beautiful quilting work hanging at her living room’s wall. Back to our hometown, I tried to find quilting course but no one. So..when I found Jackie’s blog, I feel so excited. I was inspired by what she’s doing with all her beautiful quilt works. I was glad when she visitid my blog and gave some suggestions to start sew and learn to quilt. She and many other blogging good friends really had motivated me along the way in my first quilt project.

So when I knew this 'black and white challenge' I encouraged my self to join because I know I’ll learn more and get to know amazing people in quilting world.. So, don’t be surprised when I asked some ‘silly’ questions later because I truly a beginner.
Here are the fabrics I found for this project. I haven't make up my mind which one I would choose.I’ll start this project after New Year.

I want to finish my first project I’m in batting session, almost finish! :)


  1. I am sure what you make will be wonderful and there are so many people who would happy to help you along.

  2. Well done and welcome to the wonderful world of blogland. Don't worry about being new and asking silly questions -I do it all the time. No matter how much I think I know, there is always more I could do with learning.

    Well done with getting as far as choosing fabrics. That will have to be after Christmas for me.

  3. Welcome!!!

    I've been quilting for about 5 years. However, I would still place myself in the beginning category-I just learned to free motion! I can't wait to see what you create. I've gotten a lot of support from fellow quilters in this challenge already and must say that it is exciting to have so much support.

  4. Yay! Henny you made it... Welcome! I love both your choices but I am partial to the pink. I am sure whatever you decide it will be terrific.

  5. There are no "silly" questions. We all had to start somewhere & questions are how we learn.

    Congratulations on joining the swap. . .may you find alot of inspiration.

  6. Welcome to quilting! One thing you will learn is that quilters are very nice and generous in helping each other. Feel free to ask anything you like!
    Cheers Shari

  7. Yes welcome!!
    I'm so glad to have newbies in here with me!
    My suggestion that I just learned from my first quilt quilt shop fabric.
    I bought hundred dollars worth of fabric at JoAnn's. I thought I was such a great shopper because I wonder my mom making quilts that cost hundreds of dollars.
    Come to find out, 5 of the fabrics that I bought totally shredded. To the point where I want to just rip the block out and start new.
    Anyway spend the extra money on good fabric. It's TOTaLLY worth it!
    I'm so glad you are here!

  8. Welcome! I did the same thing many years ago, bought low quality fabric at Joann's. I purged it all when I moved about 10 years ago and I am so happy I did!


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