Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Challenge

*********The Challenge is now officially CLOSED . The blog only allows 100 authors and we have reached that amount. But I invite you who would still like to participate to please do so on your own an post about it on your personal blogs. We would all love to be inspired. Thank you for your interested in joining my challenge and I look forward to a year of wonderful work!************************

Welcome to the Black and White Quilt Challenge Project. Please enjoy all the wonderful posts over the next year and seeing what all participants are creating!

So here is the deal....

1. You need to create something with black and white fabric and add onlyONE color.

2. It can be a quilt, a wearable, a tote, really whatever you like.

3. You have a whole year to complete your project.

4. If you choose, you can make multiple projects over the year.

If you would like to join me as well as, Eileen, Stephanie, Jacquie,Annemarie, and Henny, just leave a comment on this post letting me know and I will send an invite to become a team member for the new blog and you can start posting at anytime.

Oh and I almost forgot that Jane has an offer on some Black and White fabric....
I have an offer for you in my eBay store I have a set of 30 black and white fat quarters on sale, if anyone from your challenges says they are in your challenge, I will take $5 off the price.

Also, you can put the picture that is on my sidebar on your blog with a link back to the new blog. That way anyone can join in at any time during the next year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would love to a part of this challenge. I need to make black, red and white stockings and a tree skirt for a wedding gift. Thanks in advance!!!

  3. I love black and white quilts. Please add me to your list. Thankx.

  4. yes I'd like to be in the challenge. But is it okay to start after Xmas. I love black and White things any way....but too much to do during the holidays. If I can , count me in....Lyda

  5. Jackie,

    Please count me in! I just yesterday finished a black and white quilt that I've had in my closet for a LONG time.


  6. I'm here! I already have a 100 ideas rolling around in my head. I guess I have until January to decide what to start on first.

  7. Please add me to your list!

  8. Please count me in! I have a growing collection of B&W fabrics and this will be the perfect chance to get something done with them.

  9. oops- I am having blogger e-mail is

  10. Hi
    This sounds fun - please ad me to the list, I like black and white.

  11. Hi please add me to this challenge. I think I can do something within a year! LOL

  12. Please count me in! My gmail is in my profile. I can hardly wait to participate! Jane is sending me some fat quarters to get me started. Still haven't thought of another colour yet.

    Thanks Jackie for a great idea!

  13. Hope it isn't too late to join! Please add me to the list!! I am very excited to work on this challenge!

  14. bet i can scrape together a few black and white fabrics for this one. count me in!

  15. Hi Jackie,
    I would like to join in with the black & white challenge.
    I have had a quilt idea using this colour scheme for awhile and have been collecting fabrics so this would give me the kick along to start it.
    Kind regards from Liz

  16. I LOVE black and white fabrics... and have too much so I would love to be a part of your challange.

  17. Are you still open for new people to take the challenge? I just found your site and love everything I've seen! I've never made a black and white quilt but love how they look and with a whole year, might actually get one done. If you are already closed up, I'll just enjoy watching the rest of you!

  18. Forgot to add my quilt blog address:

  19. Jackie:
    I would really like to participate in the b&w challenge. Does the fact that I do not have a blog present a problem? I have been thinking about starting a blog but have been hung up on the name - figure it should something meaningful, releveant, etc (yea, I overthink things). :)
    Anyway, would love to participate if you will have me.

  20. This sounds like lots of fun -- and a whole year to get our project(s) done.

    Count me in!

  21. I'd love to do this!!! Add me please

  22. Oh Yes! Oh, YES!
    Please let me in to the challenge. I also love black and white and red, and I was going to use it for our Bee mystery which is starting in January. Hope to use up a lot of my bl;ack&white stash.

  23. Jackie; I would love to take your challenge, but have to wait until after the New Year, if that is OK? I have a Tub (Yes, thats right, a TUB) full of Black/White fabrics and am really anxious to make a quilt with perhaps yellow as my third color..... will have to be many different yellows as I have several baskets of yellow fat quarters in my stash... actually, I don't have a 'stash', ;-)
    I have a 'shopping mall' of fabric ;-)... Anne;
    Thanks in advance for letting me join, if you do!!

  24. Hi Jackie, I'd love to join this challenge. I have never even thought of doing a black and white quilt so it will be a really good challenge for me to get outside my comfort zone! Thanks, Vanessa

  25. I've been collecting blacks and whites for the past year, so I'm ready for this challenge. thanks for the push!

  26. Thanks Jackie, I would love to jin. Have been collecting black and whites for a while for a quilt to make someday. this will be great inspiration.

  27. I was just talking about a B&W project with my best friend the other day and can't wait to join you. I am telling her about this challenge too!

  28. Hi Jackie, I would love to be a part of this challenge. I have been wanting to make a black/white quilt for a long time. Wendy

  29. Count me in, please! Woo hoo!!! And, thank you. ;)

  30. Would love to be included if I am not too late. I like the idea of working in black and white although have not done it before. Thanks. Maggi

  31. I also would like to join the challenge group if it's not too late. I love, love, love black and white quilts (just check out my blog title) and have made a couple. I'd love to have an excuse to make one or three more. :)

  32. Hi Jackie, thanks for letting me join up. Sorry about the email here it is:
    Thanks Wendy

  33. Me too me too! I love to be in this challenge as black & white and a touch of colour is my favourite combination for a quilt. thank you

  34. Can you add me to your list????

  35. I would love to join this challenge (hoping it's not too late). I just finally got my inspiration this past week and want to share!!

  36. Jackie, I would love to join your challenge if it is not too late!

  37. I would love to take part in this challenge if you are still accepting members.


  38. I'm doing a b&w quilt for an auction next year. Sign me up please!

  39. Always up for a Challenge! Des (Hamncheezr) and I can work on them together!

    jesys_iscomin at yahoo dot com


  40. oops wrote my email addy wrong

    jesus_iscomin at yahoo dot com


  41. Hi,
    I would love to take part in this challenge - I already have an idea or two!

    Count me in.

  42. Hi Jackie, I'd love to join you and others in this challenge if it's not to late.

  43. Well finally here I am am I still able to get going on this challenge? Hope this is right and now to try to figure out the how to get the link but i will....

  44. I know I'm late, but I'd like to join the b&w challenge. I have an idea for my grandson, and it adds orange!

  45. Am I too late to join in too? I have a Round Robin quilt top that has just returned home after 10 months and this group would be the inspiration in sewing one last border then quilting and binding it.

  46. I would like to join. Please add me to the list. I'm working on a B&W right now. Thanks, Donna

  47. • • • A friend just told me about this because it's has my name ALL over it. I'm not a blogger, so should I leave my e-mail here or how does this work?

    Do you have more details about the challenge?

  48. Okay....found it...I am sorry about the email...I came back and found this very important posting on the rules about the black and white challenge and am officially (smile) entering by leaving this post....I WANNA play too....Add me to your list. Black/white/red has been such a favorite of mine for ...since forever! I look forward to participating in this challenge and am sure I will end up posting more than one project!!!!

  49. if I join now ... and promise not to start until 1/1/09, can that be the beginning of my 'year'? I have a B/W quilt in mind .. I've been collecting for awhile.

    It's blurry, but here's a quilt pink quilt that I just HAD to purchase:

  50. Hey there! Looks like a fun crowd! Is it too late to join? If not, I have a SUPER black and white print I bought that would be perfect for this!!

    My mother-in-law has been collecting B&W's for a couple of years now, but hasn't done anything with them, maybe this challenge will inspire her too!

  51. I would like to join in please. I have something black, white and pink in mind.

  52. hi! I would love to join in with this -- please please, let me join in!
    I have a collection of black and white fabrics,,, it's time to use them!


Thanks for stopping by our blog and checking out our projects.